Here’s Why Everyone Is Commenting “Ratio” on TikTok Videos

Since social media is an ever-changing world, keeping up with the most recent memes can be difficult. While the term “ratio” originated on Twitter, it has now developed into a life of its own on TikTok, an app with many unique expressions. Everything you need to know about TikTok ratios and the special circumstances in which they might appear is covered in this article.

What does TikTok’s “ratio” mean?

You’ve undoubtedly come across the word “ratio” when reading the comments on a TikTok video. It’s only used in response to another statement because the answer generally tries to prove something. The majority of TikTokers disagree with the initial idea.

The pattern is as follows: someone publishes a comment, then someone else responds to that reply with “Ratio.” The “ratio” comment receives more likes than the comment they answered, or it does not. Others will respond with “W,” which is short for “win” or “winner” if they accomplish a “ratio.” Others may answer with “L,” which indicates for loser or loss if they fail.

In another sense, a ratio is a condensed way to put a certain perspective on a vote. Even if a particular remark has twice as many likes as the video itself, a TikTok video might be rationed.

Where Did “Ratios” Originate?

You may be wondering why individuals act in this manner. Can’t they put their argument in writing? Since clicking the “like” button is considerably simpler than typing out a deliberative answer, trends tend to follow the route of least resistance, as is the case with all human behavior.

Furthermore, “ratios” are caused mainly by TikTok’s lack of a dislike button. The percentage between likes and dislikes would be shown if there was a way to dislike a video, similar to YouTube. Sadly, YouTube has now made it impossible to display the number of dislikes.

The word “ratio” is a substitute for a dislike possibility for other users to choose without a dislike button. Ratios on Twitter were developed using the same logic. 

On TikTok, comments receive fewer responses, frequently around 50, compared to Twitter, where replies to a tweet might number in the hundreds. As a result, unlike Twitter ratios, which resemble the number of likes to reactions, TikTok percentages are usually based on the number of likes.

It’s Not Necessarily About Treating Someone With Disrespect

Users occasionally make “ratio” comment threads just for fun. In other words, it resembles launching a small game in the comments.

For instance, when someone responds to a statement with “ratio 1:1,” what they want to say is:

Try to maintain a precise parity between the number of likes on my comment and the comment I’m replying to.

The aim for observers is to maintain an equal number of likes on each comment. i.e., if a comment receives 400 likes, the reply should receive 400 likes as well.

TikTok users generally begin to like the comment, lagging if they realize one word has more likes than the other.

Similarly, writing “1:1:1” indicates that the user wants their comment and the following two responses to have the same counts.

If they leave “1:1:1:1,” it refers to their comment and the following three responses.

A Video Can Also Be “Ratioed.”

A video on TikTok has been ratioed if it has 10K likes while one of the remarks has 20K likes.

Why? Primarily because one of the comments on the video has gotten more likes than the actual video.

A video often garners many more views than the comments area, making it challenging to do this.

This indicates that viewers “rushed” to the comments area to see what others thought of the video’s content, frequently occurring when a video’s material is particularly controversial.


Lastly, it should be noted that “ratio” might first be a little confusing. Even though the meme was born on Twitter, TikTok is where it has indeed come to life.

Typically, the context affects how a word is understood.

As an illustration, it is possible that the person “throwing shade” is posting “ratio” in reaction to a heated comment. However, it is probably just someone beginning a game if it has been published in response to anything that isn’t objectionable.

In other words, attempt to maintain your composure when someone replies with “ratio.” There’s a chance it’s innocent and risk-free.

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