Backwards 3: How to Type Backwards 3 Symbol?

As we all know, the symbol for the number 3 is “3”. But did you know that there is a backward 3 symbol? It may not be as commonly used as the regular “3”, but it can come in handy in various situations. In this article, we will explore the backwards 3 symbol, why and when it is used, and how to type it on your keyboard.

What is the Backwards 3 Symbol?

The backwards 3 symbol is a mirror image of the regular “3” symbol. It looks like an “E” that has been flipped horizontally. In some fonts, it may also look like a reverse “C”. This symbol is also known as a “backwards epsilon” or “turned epsilon”, as it is derived from the Greek letter “epsilon”.

When is the Backwards 3 Symbol Used?

The backwards 3 symbol is not commonly used in everyday writing or typing. However, it has various uses in different fields such as mathematics, physics, and engineering.

In mathematics, the backwards 3 symbol is used to denote “there exists” or “for some”. For example, if we say “∃x P(x)”, this means “there exists at least one x such that P(x) is true”.

In physics and engineering, the backwards 3 symbol is used to denote “magnetic flux”. Magnetic flux is a measure of the amount of magnetic field that passes through a given area.

How to Type the Backwards 3 Symbol?

Now that we know what the backwards 3 symbol is and when it is used, let’s learn how to type it. There are different methods to type the backwards 3 symbol, depending on your device and operating system.

Method 1: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

On a Windows computer, you can type the backwards 3 symbol by holding down the “Alt” key and typing “0183” on the numeric keypad. On a Mac computer, you can type the backwards 3 symbol by holding down the “Option” key and typing “30” or “2205”.

Method 2: Using Character Map or Character Viewer

If your device has a character map or character viewer, you can also use it to find and insert the backwards 3 symbol. On a Windows computer, you can find the character map by searching for “character map” in the start menu. On a Mac computer, you can find the character viewer by clicking on the “Edit” menu and selecting “Emoji & Symbols”.

Method 3: Copy and Paste

If you don’t want to type the backwards 3 symbol using keyboard shortcuts or character map, you can simply copy and paste it from a website or document that already has it.


Is the backwards 3 symbol the same as the mirrored “E” symbol?

Yes, the backwards 3 symbol is also known as the mirrored “E” symbol.

Can I use the backwards 3 symbol in everyday writing or typing?

Although it is not commonly used in everyday writing, you can use it if you want to emphasize a point or make a statement stand out.

What is the Unicode value of the backwards 3 symbol?

The Unicode value of the backwards 3 symbol is U+2208.


The backwards 3 symbol may not be as commonly used as the regular “3”, but it has its uses in various fields such as mathematics, physics, and engineering. We have learned what the backwards 3 symbol is, when it is used, and how to type it on our keyboards using different methods.

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