How to Enable Automatic Optional Windows Updates for Windows 10 Devices

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying up-to-date is crucial for the optimal performance and security of your Windows 10 devices. While automatic updates are a common practice, enabling automatic optional updates adds an extra layer of customization and control. In this article, we will delve into the step-by-step process of enabling automatic optional updates, ensuring your Windows 10 devices are not only current but also tailored to your preferences.

Understanding the Importance of Optional Updates

Understanding the Importance of Optional Updates

Before we embark on the journey of enabling automatic optional updates, it’s essential to grasp the significance of these updates. Unlike mandatory updates that primarily focus on critical security patches and system enhancements, optional updates provide additional features, driver updates, and non-essential improvements. By enabling automatic optional updates, users can benefit from the latest offerings without the hassle of manual intervention.

Step 1: Accessing Windows Update Settings

To initiate the process, navigate to the ‘Settings’ menu on your Windows 10 device. Click on ‘Update & Security,’ which will open a range of options related to system updates. Here, you will find ‘Windows Update’ on the left-hand side – click on it to proceed.

Step 2: Configuring Update Settings

Upon entering the ‘Windows Update’ section, locate and click on ‘Advanced options.’ This is where the magic happens. In the ‘Advanced options,’ you’ll find a section titled ‘Optional updates.’ Click on the drop-down menu to reveal the available options, and choose ‘Automatic (recommended).’

Step 3: Customizing Optional Update Preferences

For a more tailored experience, explore the ‘Customize how preview builds and optional updates are installed’ section. Here, you can specify the types of optional updates you want to receive automatically. This level of customization ensures that your device stays updated with the features that matter most to you.

Step 4: Verifying Update Settings

Once you’ve made your selections, it’s crucial to double-check your preferences. Scroll through the settings to confirm that ‘Automatic (recommended)’ is chosen for optional updates. This step ensures that your device will receive these updates seamlessly in the background.

Benefits of Enabling Automatic Optional Updates

Benefits of Enabling Automatic Optional Updates

Now that you’ve successfully configured your Windows 10 device to receive automatic optional updates, let’s explore the benefits of this proactive approach:

1. Enhanced Feature Access

By staying current with optional updates, users gain immediate access to new features and functionalities. This ensures that your device remains at the forefront of technology, offering an enriched user experience.

2. Improved Device Compatibility

Optional updates often include driver updates, addressing compatibility issues with various hardware components. Keeping these updates automated ensures that your device functions seamlessly with the latest peripherals and software.

3. Streamlined Security Measures

While not all optional updates are security-related, some may include patches that bolster your device’s defenses. Automatic installation of these updates minimizes vulnerabilities, contributing to a more secure computing environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I revert to manual updates if I enable automatic optional updates?

A1: Yes, you can revert to manual updates at any time by revisiting the ‘Advanced options’ in the ‘Windows Update’ settings and selecting your preferred update method.

Q2: Will enabling automatic optional updates consume more data?

A2: The data consumption is minimal, as optional updates are generally smaller in size compared to major system updates. However, it’s advisable to monitor your data usage if you are on a limited data plan.

Q3: Do optional updates include software installations?

A3: No, optional updates focus on system improvements, driver updates, and additional features. Software installations are typically separate and require user consent.

Q4: Can I schedule the installation of optional updates?

A4: As of now, Windows 10 does not provide a built-in option to schedule the installation of optional updates. They are installed automatically based on the selected preferences.

Q5: Will enabling automatic optional updates affect my device’s performance?

A5: No, enabling automatic optional updates is designed to enhance performance by providing access to new features and improving compatibility. It should not negatively impact your device’s performance.


In conclusion, enabling automatic optional updates for your Windows 10 devices is a strategic move toward a more efficient and secure computing experience. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ve taken control of your device’s update preferences, ensuring it evolves with the ever-changing technological landscape. Stay ahead, stay secure, and embrace the full potential of your Windows 10 device with automatic optional updates.

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